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The World Walk Foundation Jamaica Chapter


Foot Care Assistant Level 1 Training


We are all aware that one of the most crucial components in the management of diabetes is foot care.

Various case studies have shown that many foot problems could be prevented with early detection, education and intervention.

Emperical evidence has shown that diabetes foot care is still not being addressed as it ought to. This could be as a result of the lack of qualified Chiropodist/Podiatrist in many countries.

Take for example, a patient with onychognyphesis to one of his or her great toe (Hallux) (Thick crusty nails). The reduction of the nails has been neglected to the point where it began to traumatize the soft tissue causing an infection and subsequent ulcer. This could lead to surgery and worse, amputation. The problem here is the source of the problem which is the correction and reduction of that nail was not treated early.

Surgery leads to hospitalization, which is an expensive option.

One has to look at the economic factors for such intervention and the burden it puts on the Health Services and indeed the patient and family.

This approach might be necessary but fails to solve the problem entirely as more in-depth approach is needed.

Hence, the recommendation for us to train foot care assistants to fill the void.